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Invention And Discovery: Curious Facts And Characteristic Sketches cover

Invention And Discovery: Curious Facts And Characteristic Sketches

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“In this little volume are brought together a number of sketches and memoranda, illustrating the history of discovery, and the lives and labours of inventors and explorers, not of our own country alone, but of others, for knowledge is of no country, but of all. The object of the collector has been rather to present the popular than the strictly scientific side of his subject, to furnish materials of interest and amusement, as well as instruction; and if now and then he has been tempted to stray into bye-paths of anecdote and gossip, excuse may readily be found in the fact that the private life of our men of science, often singularly noble and full of character, is apt to be altogether obscured by the brilliancy of the results of their secret and silent toil. This volume will have served its purpose, if it excites an appetite for fuller and deeper inquisition into the sources of British greatness and of modern civilization.” Since there are no chapter or other divisions of these anecdotes, the reader has chosen to read entries for about thirty minutes per section. There is an index of topics in the printed book available on (From Book Introductory Note and David Wales)     [chương_files]  

Romance of Modern Invention cover

Romance of Modern Invention

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This is a volume of exploration into the newest inventions of the turn of the previous century. Journalist Archibald Williams walks the reader through diverse inventions which were changing the world at just that point in time. – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  

Gyges und sein Ring cover

Gyges und sein Ring

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In diesem Drama geht es um eine Männerfreundschaft, Liebe, Macht, Stolz, missbrauchtes Vertrauen, verlorene Ehre und Rache. – Summary by lorda Mitwirkende Kandaules: Monica Hinrichs-Mayer Rhodope: Lissy Schneider Gyges: Karlsson Lesbia: Availle Hero: Sonia Thoas: Friedrich Karna: Mentos7 Volk: Sandra Schmit Erzähler: lorda Schnitt: lorda     [chương_files]  

Cato cover


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Joseph Addison is known mostly for his periodical, “The Spectator”, written with his friend Richard Steele. But he found time to write a few plays – with and without Steele (Cato is without) – before being elevated to Secretary of State and putting drama aside. This play was supposedly staged by George Washington after the winter of 1778 at Valley Forge as an inspiration to his officers on self-sacrificing republican virtues. Many quotes of American revolution leaders – Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty or Give me death” and Nathan Hale’s “I only regret I have but one life to lose for my country” – are drawn from this play. – Summary by ToddHW Cast list: Cato: Greg Giordano Portius: Adrian Stephens Marcus: Tomas Peter Sempronius: Inkell Juba: Jim Locke Syphax: Cavaet Lucius: Alan Mapstone Decius: Kerry Adams Lucia: Sonia Marcia: Anna Maria 1st Leader of the Mutiny: David Purdy Stage Directions and Editing: ToddHW     [chương_files]  

Fires and Fire-Fighters cover

Fires and Fire-Fighters

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John Kenlon became a New York City firefighter in 1887, and was appointed Fire Chief in 1911. In 1913, he wrote this authoritative book surveying the history of fire-fighting from ancient Rome to 20th-century New York. The first part of the book explores the evolution of fire-fighting techniques in various countries and the development of equipment and organization, and describes several famous historical fires and how they were fought. The remainder of the book discusses in greater detail some particular types of fires confronting an urban fire department in 1913, such as hotel, theater, factory, hospital, and school fires, sea port fires, and skyscraper fires. The author also emphasizes the need for high pressure water delivery systems, sprinkler systems, modern apparatus, and proper training for firefighters, and touches on the role of underwriters and salvage corps. – Summary by Maria Kasper     [chương_files]  

Time Telling Through the Ages cover

Time Telling Through the Ages

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A history of timekeeping from the stone age through to American mass production, covering timepieces from the sundial and water clock through the key inventions driving advances in the accuracy of clocks and watches in both Europe and America. The book was conceived and sponsored by the Ingersoll Family as a celebration of their then 25 years of watchmaking. – Summary by Chris Cartwright     [chương_files]  


Romance of Modern Locomotion

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In the following pages we shall peep into the history of typical companies in Great Britain, the United States, and elsewhere; consider the various forms of traction, signals, and other mechanical appliances connected with the working of a railway; notice the effects of railway communication on a country for its peaceful development, or its conquest in war; and make the tour of a typical locomotive factory. These and other matters have been treated as simply as may be, but with sufficient fullness to give the reader a fair idea of what the railway really is, how it has been made, and what the future may have in store for it. – Summary by from the preface.     [chương_files]  

Report on Securing and Growing the Digital Economy cover

Report on Securing and Growing the Digital Economy

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President Obama formed The President’s Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity on April 13, 2016 to develop a plan for protecting cyberspace and America’s economic reliance upon it. The commission’s final report was released in December 2016. The report examined the state of cybersecurity today, looked ahead to the challenges in the future, and made recommendations to the incoming Trump administration and future administrations on ways the military, government, and private sector should enhance cybersecurity. – Summary by TriciaG     [chương_files]  

Story of the Atlantic Cable cover

Story of the Atlantic Cable

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The electric telegraph, together with the railway-train and the steamship, constituted the three most conspicuous features of late 19th century civilization. Indeed, it may be truly said that the harnessing electricity to the service of man for human communication has effected a change in political, commercial, and social relations, even more complete than that wrought by steam locomotion. This is the story of how the electric telegraph cable was laid across the floor of the Atlantic from Newfoundland to Ireland. – Summary by modified from the introduction     [chương_files]  

Inventions Of The Great War cover

Inventions Of The Great War

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“… this war was not one of mere destruction. It set men to thinking as they had never thought before. It intensified their inventive faculties, and as a result, the world is richer in many ways. Lessons of thrift and economy have been taught us. Manufacturers have learned the value of standardization. The business man has gained an appreciation of scientific research. The whole story is too big to be contained within the covers of a single book, but I have selected the more important and interesting inventions and have endeavored to describe them in simple language for the benefit of the reader who is not technically trained.” Bond was the sometime editor of Scientific American magazine. ( Book Preface, David Wales)     [chương_files]