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Erdgeist cover


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Erdgeist ist eine 1895 publizierte Tragödie in vier Aufzügen von Frank Wedekind. Uraufgeführt wurde sie am 25. Februar 1898 im Leipziger Krystallpalast vom neu gegründeten Ibsen-Theater, wobei der Autor den „Dr. Schön“ verkörperte. Die Fortsetzung von Erdgeist bildet Wedekinds Tragödie Die Büchse der Pandora von 1902. Beide Stücke wurden von Wedekind später als Bühnenfassung in einem Stück mit dem Titel Lulu. Tragödie in 5 Aufzügen mit einem Prolog zusammengefasst. (Zusammenfassung von Wikipedia) Die Rollen: Dr. Goll: Herman Roskams Dr. Schön: Lars Rolander Alwa: Patrick Wallace Schwarz: Marty Kris Prinz Escerny, Tierbändiger: Ramona Deininger-Schnabel Schigolch: Algy Pug Rodrigo: Wupperhippo Hugenberg: Birgit Escherich: Ernst Pattynama Lulu: Susanna Gräfin Geschwitz: Caroline Sophie Ferdinand: Julia Niedermaier Henriette: Nadine Eckert-Boulet Erzähler (Prolog): Rapunzelina Erzähler (Aufzüge): Kalynda Audioschnitt: Rapunzelina     [chương_files]  

Berenice cover


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Titus, emperor of Rome, wants to marry Berenice, queen of Palestine, but decides that Rome will not be able to handle having him marry a foreign queen. Berenice refuses to stay in this case and leaves Rome. Unlike many of the other Racine plays, there actually are survivors (albeit, broken-hearted survivors) at the end of this one! – Summary by ToddHW Cast list: Titus, emperor of Rome: Adrian Stephens Berenice, queen of Palestine: WendyKatzHiller Antiochus, king of Commagene: ToddHW Paulinus, a friend of Titus: Tchaikovsky Arsaces, a friend of Antiochus: Alan Mapstone Phoenice, a friend of Berenice: Jenn Broda Rutilus, a Roman: Larry Wilson Stage Directions: Sonia Editing: ToddHW     [chương_files]  

Macbeth cover


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Macbeth cuenta una historia de crimen y castigo entreverada de brujería y elementos sobrenaturales. Amparado en las engañosas profecías de las Hermanas Fatídicas, brujas o diosas del destino, Macbeth decide asesinar a su rey y tomar la corona. Consciente del horror al que se entrega, forja su terrible destino y se deja poseer por el mal que nace del ansia de poder, creyéndose invencible y eterno. Esta obra tenebrosa e inquietante, de acción vertiginosa, es también profundamente introspectiva. A través de un lenguaje metafórico y sensorial, la obra indaga en lo prohibido, explora la transgresión y ofrece la oportunidad única de compartir la vida interior de un asesino, con su horror y su misterio. – Summary by Phileas Fogg     [chương_files]  

Gamester cover


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The Gamester is Edward Moore’s most famous work, and while it has fallen into relative obscurity in the last century, at the time it marked an important shift in the staging of eighteenth century tragedy. More specifically, it was one of the first plays to depict bourgeois suffering through the valence of moral values, moving the genre away from the lofty depiction of kings and empires toward something much closer to home for middle-class audiences. As such, the play depicts the trials and tribulations of Beverley, a dissolute gambler whose uncontrollable addiction has endangered the financial security of his household. Unbeknownst to him, however, is the fact that his money is being pocketed by a cadre of villainous sharpers led by the Machiavellian Stukely, who has designs on Beverley’s wife and pretends to be his concerned friend. What follows is a drama that, while not possessing the greatest artistic merit, nevertheless affects us as keenly as it did the people who saw its first performance at the Drury Lane Theater on February 7, 1753. – Summary by Tomas Peter Cast list: Beverley: ToddHW Lewson: TJ Burns Stukely: Tomas Peter Jarvis: Alan Mapstone Bates: Joseph Tabler Dawson: Son of the Exiles Mrs. Beverley: Linda Olsen Fitak Charlotte: Eva Davis Lucy: Sonia Waiter: Nemo Narrator: Rob Board Editor: Tomas Peter     [chương_files]  

Brand cover


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Inflamed by what he saw as his Norwegian homeland’s shocking betrayal of Denmark after the Prussian invasion of Danish territory, Ibsen wrote “Brand” as an indictment of human complacency and rigidity of mind. Composing this “dramatic poem” from his self-imposed exile in Italy, Ibsen had long agonized over the stodgy provincialism of his countrymen, but the abandonment of Denmark took on the dimensions in his imagination of a human tragedy far surpassing his own personal experiences. Brand is a priest who refuses to compromise, at the cost of great suffering to others, and who lives by unrealizable ideals. The play revolves around a cast of remarkable characters, such as Gerd the mad peasant girl with delusions of God; Ejnar the complacent artist; and Agnes the devoted lover. Ibsen’s breakthrough work, “Brand” could be seen as the true beginning of Ibsen’s career, and although (or because?) it was at the time the most fiercely-debated work of literature in Scandinavian history, it always remained one of the playwright’s favorite productions. The true genius of the work lies in the judicious balance of its indictment of philistine complacency and its warning against intolerant zealotry. The ambiguous character of Brand himself, principled and heroic while flawed, was seen by Ibsen as representing himself at his best. “Give Nothing, or give All,” said Brand, over and over, with stirring consequences.. ( Expatriate)     [chương_files]  

Tragedy of King Lear (version 3) cover

Tragedy of King Lear (version 3)

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Known for its heartrending emotion and shocking violence, The Tragedy of King Lear is seen as one of Shakespeare’s towering masterpieces. It tells the tale of the ageing King Lear, a British monarch who disposes of his vast kingdom by giving bequests to his two eldest daughters when they flatter his vanity. Unbeknown to him, these daughters hide cold and unfeeling hearts; the only daughter truly worthy of his grace, Cordelia, is shunned and later exiled when she refuses to play her sisters’ game. Lear’s rash decision precipitates a series of events that all cascade into the realm of overbearing misery. Madness (both real and feigned), torture, stormy weather, sibling rivalry and the threat of war are but some of the things you can expect from this extraordinary work, all brought about by a great man who falls from the heights of power due to a single moment of irrationality. And to perform it all? Three men (Craig Franklin, Tomas Peter, and Brad “Hamlet” Filippone) and one woman (Sonia), determined to give you a performance of this moving play that you will never forget. You thought you knew your Shakespeare? Well, think again! – Summary by Tomas Peter Cast list: Brad “Hamlet” Filippone: Narrator; Earl of Kent / Caius; Duke of Albany; King of France; Curan; Old Man; Captain; First Servant to Cornwall & French Messenger. Tomas Peter: Earl of Gloucester; Edmund; Goneril; Fool; Duke of Burgundy; Physician; Knight; Second Servant to Cornwall & Second Officer. Sonia: Regan; Edgar / […]

Bohème cover


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In 1830s Paris, four struggling Bohemian artists: the poet Rodolfo, the painter Marcello, the musician Schaunard, and the philosopher Colline, live poorly, but happily. On Christmas Eve, to celebrate, the four split the month’s rent and decide to go out drinking in the Latin Quarter. Rodolfo stays behind to finish a poem, when their frail neighbor, Mimi, knocks on the door. An equally poor seamstress, she begs him to light her candle. In an instant, his candle goes out as well, and Mimi drops her key in the dark. As they search for it, they fall in love. And thus, a tragic love begins, as tuberculosis threatens to tear Mimi away from person and people she has come to love. Originally written in Italian, but translated into English, this libretto is the base for one of Giacomo Puccini’s most beloved and often performed operas. It is also the inspiration of the famous 1994 rock musical and 2005 movie Rent by Jonathan Larson. This recording is a dramatic reading. Summary by Mary Kay. Cast List: Narrator: Kalynda Rudolph: Tomas Peter Schaunard: alanmapstone Benoit: Donald Gilmore Mimi: Lydia and Linda Olsen Fitak Marcel: ToddHW Colline & Sargant: Nemo Musetta: Eva Davis Parpignol: Joseph Tabler Alcindoro de Mitonneaux: Jason in Panama Customs House Official: Algy Pug Chorus Members: Donald Gilmore, Leanne Yau, Grace Keller Scotch, Algy Pug, MaryAnn, Kieren Metts and Nemo Editors: Linny, Devorah Allen and Eva Davis Prooflisteners: afutterer and NemoR     [chương_files]  

Master Builder (Gosse & Archer Translation) cover

Master Builder (Gosse & Archer Translation)

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Halvard Solness is a master architect who has ruthlessly forged a preëminent career without regard for the feelings of those around him. In spite of this unscrupulous path of life, his conscience is still painfully alive, burdening him with guilt for past choices. He lives a tormented existence, fearful not only that he is going mad but also that he has unconsciously been in league with demonic powers in order to reach his present status. His long-suffering wife and his mistress try to deal with him in his fragile state while not being destroyed themselves. Into this fraught situation suddenly arrives the dangerous Hilda Wangel, an eldritch young woman claiming a special relationship with Solness from his past. One of the five great plays of Ibsen’s final period, “The Master Builder” is laden with layers of symbolic significance. Like most Ibsen works, it begins quietly with dialogue between quite ordinary people and only gradually reveals its depths of meaning and power. Summary by Expatriate     [chương_files]  

Julius Caesar (version 2) cover

Julius Caesar (version 2)

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When Julius Caesar returns to Rome from conquering the Gauls, Cassius and his friends are worried that he will try to seize power and make himself emperor. Cassius must act fast. He gathers Brutus, Cinna, and others to stop Julius Caesar and save the Roman Republic! This play was recorded in two weeks as part of Librivox’s celebration of the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death. Summary by Esther ben Simonides Cast List: Narrator: Peter Why Flavius, Casca, Volumnius: Maria Kasper Marullus, Cinna the Poet, Poet, Dardanius: Ray Kasper First Commoner, Decius Brutus, Fourth Citizen, First Soldier, Titinius,: Tomas Peter Second Commoner, Soothsayer, Octavius: Charlotte Duckett Julius Caesar, Strato: Beth Thomas Mark Antony: Esther ben Simonides Calpurnia, Second Citizen, Messala: Sonia Brutus: LindaB Cassius: Hamlet Cicero, Cato: Paul Huxley Cinna the Politician: Anna Simon Ligarius, Popilius, Pindarus: Phil Schempf Lucius, Third Citizen, Second Soldier,: Gaby Publius: Brian Metellus Cimber, Artemidorus,: John Burlinson Trebonius: Khaghbboommm Portia: Lydia Servant, Lepidus, Clitus: Lian Pang First Citizen, Claudius, Third Soldier, Messenger: Rachel Lucilius: Roohi Varro: Tony Addison Audio Edited by: Rachel, Maria Kasper, Gaby     [chương_files]  

Witch of Edmonton cover

Witch of Edmonton

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Mother Elizabeth Sawyer is a poor, lonely, and unfairly ostracized old woman with nothing left to lose. Frank is a poor farmer who intends to marry his beloved Winnifred, who is pregnant with his child, but is pressured to marry Susan, the rich yeoman’s daughter. Young Cuddy Banks is a clown who pines after a girl who doesn’t love him. When Mother Sawyer turns to witchcraft after being unjustly accused of it, a talking devil-dog named Tom (performed by a human actor) comes to her aid, becoming her familiar and only friend. Though she intends to get her revenge, little does she know many of those around her are only too willing to sell their souls to the devil all by themselves. The play was inspired by the real-life story of Elizabeth Sawyer, who had been executed for witchcraft on 19 April 1621, and draws heavily on a pamphlet by Henry Goodcole, The wonderful discoverie of Elizabeth Sawyer, Witch (1621). While the pamphlet may be very ready to capitalize on the sensational story of a witch and portray Sawyer as simply a bad woman, the play does not permit an easy and comfortable demonization of her. It presents her as a product of society rather than an anomaly in it. – Summary by Mary Kay Cast Narrator: LydiaCW Mother Elizabeth Sawyer: Elizabby Anne: [Newgatenovelist]( 9872) Susan: Kitty Katherine: Kristingj Winnifred: gloriana Sir Arthur Clarington: Hamlet Old Thorney / Hamluc: unreadpages Carter: ToddHW Warbeck: jburlinson Somerton: Salvationist Frank Thorney: Dave in […]