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Pearl (Jewett translation) cover

Pearl (Jewett translation)

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Written in the 14th century by the Gawain poet, ‘Pearl’ is an elegiac poem reflecting on the death of a young daughter, pictured as a pearl lost in a garden. It is considered a masterpiece of Middle English verse, incorporating both the older tradition of alliterative poetry as well as rhyme, centered around the development of an intricately structured image. Sophie Jewett’s translation from the Northern dialect of the original renders much of the poem’s liveliness and beauty accessible to modern readers, whilst encouraging them to pursue their reading further, to read the original itself. This recording is dedicated to the memory of Pearl Jean Shearman, 1914-2012. (Summary by Jordan)     [chương_files]  

Orlando Furioso (Canti 05-12) cover

Orlando Furioso (Canti 05-12)

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Sono i canti dal quinto al dodicesimo del poema cavalleresco Orlando Furioso, in cui si intrecciano numerose vicende fantastiche incentrate sull’amore di Orlando (e di molti altri) per la bellissima ma ritrosa Angelica, fino a che Orlando impazzisce sapendo che Angelica si è unita al giovane Medoro, per cui il suo senno dovrà essere recuperato da Astolofo sulla luna cui giungerà in sella al mitico cavallo alato Ippogrifo. In questi canti si intrecciano molte vicende, con vari personaggi tra cui, oltre a Orlando, Angelica, Ruggero, Astolfo, Melissa, Olimpia, Alcina ed altri. (Riassunto di Pier) Personaggi e interpreti: Narrator: Pier Rinaldo: Francesco Carzedda Dalinda: Sabina Ariodante: Algy Pug Lurcanio: Algy Pug Polinesso: Pier Viandante: Renzo Clerico Scudiero: Kazbek Astolfo: Claudia Caldi Ruggiero: Kazbek I giovane su liocorno: Claudia Graziano II giovane su liocorno: Sabina Alcina: Sabina Melissa: Ruti Pape Angelica: Marzia Marianera Servo con augel grifagno: Sandra Schmit Orlando: Sabina Voce misteriosa: Sonia Olimpia: Emanuela Donzella del battello: Sabina Donna della corte di Alcina: Sonia Logistilla: Sandra Schmit Nocchiero: Francesco Carzedda Affabile cavaliere: Eleonora Bettenzoli I voce turba di Arzildo: Serena II voce turba di Arzildo: Pier Morte: Sonia Paride: Chris Tugnoli Ferraù: Kazbek Sacripante: Kazbek     [chương_files]  

Magic House, and Other Poems cover

Magic House, and Other Poems

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A beautiful collection of 47 poems the author wrote being inspired by the seasons, by love, by memories. – Summary by Laur     [chương_files]  

Anniversary Poems cover

Anniversary Poems

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Elizabeth Drury, daughter of Donne’s patron, Sir Robert Drury, died in 1610. A year later Donne laments her hyperbolically as the soul of the created universe. In “An Anatomy of the World: The First Anniversary,” he poetically scrutinizes that year-old corpse, the world, as if he were performing an autopsy (an “anatomy”). He finds it corrupt in every part, the dead woman having carried with her every spark of goodness it once contained. To commemorate the second anniversary of Miss Drury’s death, Donne’s “Progress of the Soul” (1612) celebrates her liberation from this world, urges readers to follow her example, and performs a cheerful spiritual meditation upon the process of death, burial, and corruption—cheerful because death frees us from the inconveniences of this life and serves as a portal to the next. Each poem is introduced by an encomium that, though purporting to be written by another hand, appears to be the poet’s own work. (Summary by Thomas Copeland)     [chương_files]  

Aladdin, Or, The Wonderful Lamp (A Dramatic Poem, in Two Parts) cover

Aladdin, Or, The Wonderful Lamp (A Dramatic Poem, in Two Parts)

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This retelling of Aladdin in dramatic verse begins in the humble home of a tailor, whose son spends his days in idleness and brings his parents nothing but grief. Soon, however, this son is brought to a magical grotto, where he finds a great treasure which will bring him his fortune. This story will have some twists and turns that are almost certain to be different from the story you know. – Summary by Devorah Allen Cast: Tomas Peter: Aladdin Jenn Broda: Gulnare, the Princess Michele Eaton: Nurse to Gulnare Availle: Morgiana, Aladdin’s Mother Algy Pug: Soliman, the Sultan Tommy Hersant: Vizir to Soliman Adrian Stephens: Saladin, betrothed to Gulnare ToddHW: The Enchanter, Noureddin VocalPenguin: Hindbad, Noureddin’s brother Sonia: Spirit of the Lamp Phil Schempf: Spirit of the Ring Donzo: Selim Tindra: Slave Gerald Moe: Jester HelenaDiamandiz: Court Jew Diane Castillo: Old Man czandra: Second Courtier Chuck Williamson: Servant of the Court Anya: Captain of the Body Guard Eleonora Bettenzoli: Spider Kristine Wales: Voice of the Trees Linda Olsen Fitak: First Fairy Twinkle: Peasant; Second Fairy ambsweet13: Zephyr; Second Elf FreckleFriday: Bedreddin; Lympha, a Fairy Thoria: Master Mason; First Courtier; Deathwatch Pier: First Lord of the Treasury; Strength, a Giant Michael L. Hooper: Second Lord of the Treasury Tchaikovsky: Architect; Apothecary; Owner of the House Lydia: Zulima, Soliman’s Wife; Peribanou, Queen of the Fairies; Fatima Doug Fajardo: Sindbad; Grocer; Sentinel; Laborer; Headsman David Purdy: Ali; Casem; Goldsmith; Sculptor; First Elf; Good Spirits Devorah Allen: Nightingale; Melpomene; Female Bird; Beauty, a […]

Tannhäuser cover


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The legend of Tannhäuser, the Minstrel Knight who, having betrayed his love for the virtuous Elizabeth by dallying in the Venusberg, reveals his sins during a song contest and is forced to undertake a pilgrimage to Rome to seek absolution from the Pope. The text of Richard Wagner’s opera is here freely translated as a dramatic poem. – Summary by Alan Mapstone     [chương_files]  

Man in the Panther's Skin cover

Man in the Panther’s Skin

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Georgian mediæval epic poem written in the time of the Golden Age of Queen Tamar. Couched in the chivalric language of the 12th Century, it tells a classic tale of love in all its forms, and is an allegory of the great Queen herself. The book is required reading for all school students in Georgia and a copy went with each bride to her new home as a part of her dowry. This prose rendering was the first in English. – Summary by Beeswaxcandle     [chương_files]  

Lucasta cover


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“Lucasta” is of Latin origin meaning “Pure Light”. Besides the dedication of the first poem to his wife, Anne Lovelace, this selection of poems are written from the viewpoint of a soldier who is going off to war – to his lover, who is the love of his life, his Lucasta. While pouring his heart out with memories of her beauty and the joy’s that they have shared, he fears she will think badly of him for leaving, and will not wait for him. Therefore, he makes pleas for her loyalty, her love, for her understanding, and for the sacrifice he feels he must make. (Summary by Laur)     [chương_files]  

Divina commedia - Hel cover

Divina commedia – Hel

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Het doel van deze vertaling is den Nederlandschen lezer in kennis te stellen met den volledigen inhoud van Dante’s Gedicht. De vertaling is zooveel mogelijk woordelijk, kan dus ook als handleiding dienen bij het lezen en bestudeeren van den oorspronkelijken, Italiaanschen tekst. De vertaling is in Proza. Waarom? Omdat de woorden, waarin het Gedicht vervat is, den dichter werden ingegeven in het scheppingsoogenblik door de volheid zijner fantasieën, gevoelens en gedachten zelve. Ook in het practisch-onmogelijke, maar theoretisch stelbare geval dat de vertaler evenzeer vervuld ware als de dichter van hetgeen uitgedrukt moet worden, zoude het onmogelijk zijn, dat de tweede, de Nederlandsche dichter kwam tot een uitdrukkingsvorm, die ook maar eenigszins gelijkliep met den vorm door den eersten, den Italiaanschen dichter gevonden. Dante zelf zegt op dit stuk: „En daarom wete een ieder, dat geen enkele zaak, door den band der muziek harmonisch uitgedrukt, uit hare eigene taal in eene andere kan worden overgebracht, zonder dat men al hare zoetheid en harmonie verbreke. (Summary taken from introduction of the book by H.J. Boeken)     [chương_files]  

Cinnamon and Angelica cover

Cinnamon and Angelica

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“Was ever love like this? If verily there was, why was it not set down in story or in song? Or were they dumb on whom it did descend? Or has it been that lover’s speech is like the nightingales, heard, but for ever lost to mortal ear till yet another angel-voice uplifts the earth into the sky?” A poetic drama in which the forces of the Peppercorns face the forces of the Cloves. – Summary by ToddHW Cast list: Cinnamon – Prince of the Peppercorns: Greg Giordano Mace – The Colonel-in-Command of the Peppercorn Army: miaroy Marjoram – Captain of Halberdiers to Angelica: Chuck Williamson Angelica – Princess of the Cloves: Jenn Broda Caraway – Mistress of the Bedchamber to Angelica: Dawn Sutton Vanilla Bean – Housekeeper to Cinnamon: Marie Christian An Orderly to Captain Marjoram: David Purdy Stage Directions and Editing: ToddHW     [chương_files]