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Romancero selecto del Cid cover

Romancero selecto del Cid

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El Romancero selecto del Cid trata la historia de un noble caballero que enfrenta diversas batallas en nombre de su Señor Rey Alfonso, esta obra nos cuenta además, diversas circunstancias que tuvo que afrontar el gran Ruy Diaz de Vivar tales como la afrenta a los Condes de Carrión y la traición que le hicieron a sus hijas. Una novela de caballería clásica, imperdible para los amantes de este tipo de historias que demuestran la lealtad de los caballeros en la edad media, y sobre todo se resalta el gran valor y coraje del personaje principal, ganador de diversas batallas, así como su intachable conducta de ser honroso y justo. (Resumen por KendalRigans)     [chương_files]  

Nibelungenlied cover


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Das Nibelungenlied ist ein mittelalterliches Heldenepos und wurde oft als „Nationalepos der Deutschen“ bezeichnet. Es entstand zu Beginn des 13. Jahrhunderts und wurde in der damaligen Volkssprache Mittelhochdeutsch geschrieben. Das Epos erzählt von der Liebe zwischen dem Drachentöter Siegfried und der burgundischen Prinzessin Kriemhild, von der Brautwerbung des burgundischen Königs Gunther um die isländische Königin Brunhild, vom Verrat der Burgunden an Siegfried und dessen Ermordung durch Hagen. Später ist der Schauplatz der Handlung das Land der Hunnen unter König Etzel, den Kriemhild in zweiter Ehe geheiratet hat. Kriemhild benutzt ihre neue Position, um mithilfe der Hunnen Siegfrieds Tod an Hagen und allen Burgunden zu rächen. Die Übersetzung Karl Joseph Simrocks gehört zu den bekanntesten Übertragungen des alten Textes in die neuhochdeutsche Sprache. The Nibelungenlied (Song of the Nibelungs) is a medieval epic poem and has been often referred to as the German “national epic”. It was written down in the early 13th century in Middle High German, the vernacular of the time. The epic tells of the love between the dragon-slayer Siegfried and the Burgundian princess Kriemhild, how Gunther, King of Burgundy, courts Brunhild of Iceland, and how Siegfried is betrayed by the Burgundians and murdered by Hagen. The scene of the story later shifts to the land of the Huns of King Etzel, Kriemhild’s husband in second marriage. Kriemhild uses her new position among the Huns to avenge Siegfried’s death on Hagen and all the Burgundians. The translation of Karl Joseph Simrock is one of the best-known New German […]

Song of Three Friends cover

Song of Three Friends

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The Song of Three Friends is one of five epic poems in Neihardt’s, “Cycle of the West”. In eight cantos it tells the tale of three friends, Mike Fink, Will Carpenter and Frank Talbeau, who travel up the Missouri River in 1822 as members of Ashley’s Hundred to seek their fortunes in the fur fields of the Rocky Mountains. The friends fall out over the love of a woman with fatal consequences. The Song of Three Friends won “Best Volume of Verse” from the Poetry Society of America shortly after it was published.. – Summary by Fritz     [chương_files]  

Епопея на Забравените (Epopeya na zabravenite) cover

Епопея на Забравените (Epopeya na zabravenite)

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Epic of the Forgotten (Bulgarian: Епопея на забравените; Epopeya na zabravenite) is a Bulgarian poetic saga written by Ivan Vazov to commemorate the Bulgarian fight for freedom against the Ottoman Empire and to criticize the moral decline of the Bulgarian nation after the Liberation, in comparison to the heroic figures and events of the then recent past. (Excerpt from Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Achilleis cover


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Achilleis von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, entstanden 1797–99, veröffentlicht 1808. Als Goethe an dem Epos in Hexametern Hermann und Dorothea arbeitete, studierte er Homer in der Übersetzung von Johann Heinrich Voß. Dabei kam er darauf, dass zwischen dem Ende der Ilias und dem Anfang der Äneis noch ein episches Gedicht inneliegt. Er hat eine Achilleis in 8 Gesängen zu schreiben begonnen, hat das Projekt jedoch bereits nach der Fertigstellung des ersten Gesanges aufgegeben. (Zusammenfassung von Wikipedia) [Internet Archive: weitere gemeinfreie redaer Aufnahmen]( german&sort=-publicdate)     [chương_files]  

Gaucho Martín Fierro cover

Gaucho Martín Fierro

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El Gaucho Martín Fierro es un poema narrativo argentino, escrito en verso por José Hernández en 1872, obra literaria considerada ejemplar del género gauchesco. – Summary by Wikipedia     [chương_files]  

Reineke Fuchs cover

Reineke Fuchs

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Reineke Fuchs ist ein Epos in zwölf Gesängen. Goethe gab dem Werk stark spöttische, mitunter boshafte Züge; sein Epos kann durchaus auch als Kritik des höfischen Lebens gelesen werden, das er gut kannte. (aus Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

Lāčplēsis cover


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Lāčplēsis is an epic poem by Andrejs Pumpurs, a Latvian poet, who wrote it between 1872-1887 based on local legends. Lāčplēsis is regarded as the Latvian national epic. The poem recounts the life of the legendary hero Lāčplēsis, chosen by the gods to become a hero of his people. His name means “Bear-slayer”. At the castle of Lord Aizkrauklis, he spies on the activities of the witch Spīdola(Spīdala), who is under the control of the Devil, and the holy man Kangars, who is in reality a traitor plotting to replace the old gods with Christianity. Lāčplēsis meets and falls in love with the maiden Laimdota and becomes friends with another hero, Koknesis (“Wood-bearer”). Further adventures separate the lovers and bring Laimdota to Germany, but Lāčplēsis becomes lost in the Northern Sea, where he is welcomed by the daughter of the North Wind. In his dangerous journey home from the Northern Sea, he fights monsters and is reunited with Laimdota. They return home and celebrate wedding, but the heroes soon set off to fight the German crusaders. Kangars finds out the secret of Lāčplēsis’ strength and treacherously reveals it to the Germans. In a seemingly friendly tournament Lāčplēsis is overpowered by the Black Knight, they both fall into Daugava river and disappear. (Summary adapted from Wikipedia by Kristine Bekere)     [chương_files]  

Ramayan, Book 2 cover

Ramayan, Book 2

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The Ramayan(a) is an ancient Sanskrit epic. It is attributed to the Hindu sage Valmiki and forms an important part of the Hindu canon (smṛti). The Ramayana is one of the two great epics of India, the other being Mahabharata. It is the story of Rama, who embarks on an epic journey followed by the fight with Ravana, the demon king who abducted Rama’s wife, Sita. The epic depicts the duties of relationships, portraying ideal characters like the ideal servant, the ideal brother, the ideal wife and the ideal king. (Introduction by Om123)     [chương_files]  

Hermann and Dorothea cover

Hermann and Dorothea

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There are few modern poems of any country so perfect in their kind as the “Hermann and Dorothea” of Goethe. In clearness of characterization, in unity of tone, in the adjustment of background and foreground, in the conduct of the narrative, it conforms admirably to the strict canons of art; yet it preserves a freshness and spontaneity in its emotional appeal that are rare in works of so classical a perfection in form. The basis of the poem is a historical incident. In the year 1731 the Archbishop of Salzburg drove out of his diocese a thousand Protestants, who took refuge in South Germany, and among whom was a girl who became the bride of the son of a rich burgher. The occasion of the girl’s exile was changed by Goethe to more recent times, and in the poem she is represented as a German from the west bank of the Rhine fleeing from the turmoil caused by the French Revolution. The political element is not a mere background, but is woven into the plot with consummate skill, being used, at one point, for example, in the characterization of Dorothea, who before the time of her appearance in the poem has been deprived of her first betrothed by the guillotine; and, at another, in furnishing a telling contrast between the revolutionary uproar in France and the settled peace of the German village. The characters of the father and the minister Goethe took over from the original incident, the mother he […]