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Jenseit des Tweed cover

Jenseit des Tweed

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Fontanes Bericht über seine Reise nach Schottland mit seinem Freund Bernhard von Lepel. In dem für Fontane charakteristischen Stil umfasst die Erzählung eine Mischung aus Beschreibungen von Land und Leuten, Volksgeschichten und geschichtlichen Ereignissen. Sie ist gleichzeitig eine Hommage an den von ihm verehrten Sir Walter Scott.” (Summary by RiDi)     [chương_files]  

Guide to the Lakes cover

Guide to the Lakes

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In the late eighteenth century, English writers discovered the landscape, not only in the paintings of Claude Lorrain, Nicolas Poussin and Salvator Rosa, but also as a place to be visited and viewed as if it were a picture. No part of England was more discovered in this period than the Lake District, which was transformed over the course of the next century from a remote region of farmland and inaccessible hills into a wild and romantic landscape of picturesque lake and mountain, described in works such as Thomas West’s A guide to the Lakes (1778). West’s predecessors – Thomas Gray, Arthur Young, Thomas Pennant and William Hutchinson –had merely passed through the Lakes. West, a resident of the Lakes, took the reader on a tour of the district as a whole, visiting all the lakes, with the sole exception of Wastwater. A devotee of the Claude glass – a convex, tinted mirror in which the landscape appears as it might in a painting by Lorrain – West follows and improves upon Gray’s technique of identifying ‘stations’ from which the landscape would appear at its most picturesque. West’s guide remains something of a hybrid, however, with its lengthy antiquarian descriptions of the surrounding towns of Lancaster, Penrith and Kendal. – Summary by Phil Benson     [chương_files]  

Two Years in Oregon cover

Two Years in Oregon

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Wallis Nash was a British lawyer who visited Oregon and later emigrated with his family. His account covers a great breadth of description of the state of Oregon from natural history to business and climate, from the coast through the great Willamette Valley to the reaches of central and eastern Oregon. It is not travelogue but a comprehensive description in the most positive light to encourage others to follow his example to settle in the state of Oregon, so full of promise. – Summary by Larry Wilson Prooflisteners for this project: CS , Larry Wilson & Wayne Cooke     [chương_files]  

National Geographic Magazine Vol. 09 - 05. May 1898 cover

National Geographic Magazine Vol. 09 – 05. May 1898

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The National Geographic Magazine, an illustrated monthly, Vol IX, May 1898, the Cuba Number. It includes the following articles: Cuba, by Robert T. Hill The Florida Coast Line Canal The Origin of West India Bird Life, by Frank M. Chapman Trade of the United States with Cuba, by John Hyde Captain Charles D. Sigsbee, U. S. N., by Henry Gannett Reception to Captain C. D. Sigsbee, U. S. N., by John Hyde Geographic Literature – Geographic Serials     [chương_files]  

Turkish Embassy Letters (selection) cover

Turkish Embassy Letters (selection)

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Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (née Pierrepont) was an English aristocrat and woman of letters. In 1716, she accompanied her husband to Vienna, and thence to Adrianople (Edirne) and Constantinople, where he took up his post as the new British ambassador. The couple remained there until 1718. Lady Mary told the story of their voyage in a series of private letters full of vivid descriptions and unconventional commentary. Their posthumous publication in 1763 presented to the public the first secular work written by a European woman about the Muslim Orient. They were praised by Voltaire, and the Scottish author Tobias Smollett opined that they were “never equaled by any letter-writer of any sex, age or nation”. This selection contains sixteen of Lady Mary’s Turkish Embassy Letters, as they came to be known, addressed her sister, Lady Mar (letters 1-5, 8, 9, 13, and 16), to Lady Rich (letters 6, 12 and 14), and to Abate Conti (letters 7, 10, 11 and 15). (Summary by Kazbek & Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

National Geographic Magazine Vol. 09 - 01. January 1898 cover

National Geographic Magazine Vol. 09 – 01. January 1898

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The National Geographic Magazine, an illustrated monthly, Vol IX, the January Number. It includes the following articles: Three Weeks in Hubbard Bay, West Greenland, by Robert Stein. The Samoan Cocoanut, by A. W. Greely The Modern Mississippi Problem, by W J McGee Our Foreign Trade, by Henry Gannett The Presidency of the National Geographic Society Geographic Literature, by H. T Newcomb Miscellanea     [chương_files]  

"Falcon" on the Baltic cover

“Falcon” on the Baltic

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A coasting voyage boyage in a small yacht from Hammersmith in the UK to Copenhagen and back, including various visits to places on the Baltic. – Summary by Jane Bennett     [chương_files]  

In the Oregon Country cover

In the Oregon Country

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This little book does not undertake to present a comprehensive account of our westernmost States, or even of the Oregon Country. It is intended simply to suggest a few of the many attractions which may be encountered here and there along the Pacific, the references to which are woven together with threads of personal reminiscence pertaining to characteristic phases of the western life of to-day. For the stranger it may possess some measure of information; it should at least induce him to tarry in the region sufficiently long to secure an impression of the byways as well as of the highways. For the man to whom Oregon, California, or Washington stands for home, these pages may contain an echo of interest—for we are apt to enjoy most sympathetic accounts of the things we love best. But for visitor or resident, or one who reads of a country he may not see, the chief mission of these chapters is to chronicle something of their author’s enthusiasm for the land they concern, to hint of the pleasurable possibilities of its out-of-doors, and, mayhap, to offer a glimpse of the new West of to-day in the preparation for its greater to-morrow. (from the Author’s Preface) –     [chương_files]  

National Geographic Magazine Vol. 09 - 06. June 1898 cover

National Geographic Magazine Vol. 09 – 06. June 1898

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The National Geographic Magazine, an illustrated monthly, Vol IX, June 1898, the Philippines Number. It includes the following articles: The Philippine Islands, by F. F. Hilder Notes on Some Primitive Philippine Tribes, by Dean C. Worcester Commerce of the Philippine Islands, by John Hyde The Disposition of the Philippines, by Charles E. Howe     [chương_files]  

National Geographic Magazine Vol. 09 - 04. April 1898 cover

National Geographic Magazine Vol. 09 – 04. April 1898

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The National Geographic Magazine, an illustrated monthly, Vol IX, April 1898, the Klondike Number. It includes the following articles: The Northwest Passes to the Yukon, by Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore Overland Routes to the Klondike, by Hamlin Garland The Future of the Yukon Gold Fields, by William H. Dall Notes on the Wild Fowl and Game Animals of Alaska, by E. W. Nelson Climatic Conditions of Alaska, by A. W. Greely A Yukon Pioneer, Mike Lebarge, by William H. Dall Alaska and its Mineral Resources, by Samuel Franklin Emmons The Civil Government of Alaska, by George C. Perkins Some of the Conditions and Possibilities of Agriculture in Alaska, by Walter H. Evans The Metlakatla Mission in Danger, by William H. Dall Agriculture in the Yukon Valley, by Sheldon Jackson On Eskimo Geographic Names Ending in miut, by John Murdoch Geographic Literature     [chương_files]