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Obermann cover


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This is a 1903 translation of Étienne Pivert de Senancour’s immensely influential work Obermann. Although it was almost completely ignored by the reading public when it was first published during the period of Napoleonic Wars in 1804, it was rediscovered almost 30 years later by the Romantics, praised by none less than Balzac and George Sand, as well as Franz Liszt and other illustrious persons of that time period. Obermann is an epistolary novel in the form of a journal intime, in which the inner life of the main character is the most important element, rather than the physical action. The story spans ten years, in which Obermann describes historical events, the progress of philosophical ideas, and, most strikingly, his emotional development. A.E. Waite succeeds to translate this work in a fittingly poetic way, transporting haunting images of loneliness, nausée, and lack of orientation. – Summary by Carolin     [chương_files]  

Poor Folk cover

Poor Folk

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Known as Fyodor Dostoyevski’s first novel, Poor Folk portrays the life of poor people and poverty in a general sense. This novel is short in comparison to most of Fyodor’s other works and is applauded for its humanitarian views. The interesting part is how it is put together. The novel is written as a compilation of letters written between the two main characters. – Summary by afutterer     [chương_files]  

Liaisons dangereuses cover

Liaisons dangereuses

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D’amants qu’ils étaient, le Vicomte de Valmont et la Marquise de Merteuil sont restés complices dans leurs projets de liaisons et confidents dans leur correspondance, chacun préservant sa réputation aux yeux du monde : d’homme irrésistible pour l’un, de femme respectable pour l’autre. Ils ont, cette fois-ci, jeté leur dévolu sur la Présidente de Tourvel, jeune femme vertueuse et dévote dont l’époux demeure au loin et Cécile Volanges, adolescente à peine sortie du couvent, promise au Comte de Gercourt, dont s’éprend le Chevalier Danceny. Si, à force de manipulations, leurs projets aboutissent, la première fera la gloire de son vainqueur, la seconde, le déshonneur de son mari lorsque la chose sera rendue publique. Suivons donc le courrier de ces protagonistes, de leurs parents, de leurs amis. Pourrons-nous « ne pas frémir en songeant au malheur que peut causer une seule liaison dangereuse » ?     [chương_files]  

Republic of the Future cover

Republic of the Future

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or Socialism a Reality In the year 2050, Wolfgang travels to the socialist city of New York. He writes enthusiastically to his friend Hannevig describing the wonders of the journey (via pneumatic tube under the ocean) and vastness of the city. He then turns his eye and pen to the effects of true equality of the sexes and freedom from work. Unfortunately for the New Yorkers, they do not create the desired utopia but just the opposite. (Jennifer Fournier)     [chương_files]  

Mirror Of Kong Ho cover

Mirror Of Kong Ho

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This 1905 tongue-in-cheek book is ostensibly the letters of a dutiful son to his Chinese father describing his encounter with and experience of Western civilization in late nineteenth century London. The author is delightfully humorous. – Summary by david wales     [chương_files]  

Lettres persanes - Tome premier cover

Lettres persanes – Tome premier

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Les Lettres persanes est un roman épistolaire de Montesquieu, rassemblant la correspondance fictive échangée entre deux voyageurs persans, Usbek et Rica, et leurs amis respectifs restés en Perse. Leur séjour dure huit ans. Au XVIIIe siècle, l’Orient et le goût des voyages sont à la mode. Cependant, le roman fut publié au printemps 1721 à Amsterdam, et Montesquieu, par prudence, n’avoua pas qu’il en était l’auteur. Selon lui, le recueil était anonyme, et il se présentait comme simple traducteur. Mais personne ne s’y trompe. Montesquieu y dépeint admirablement, sur un ton humoristique et satirique, la société française à travers le regard de visiteurs perses. Cette œuvre connaît un succès considérable : le côté exotique, parfois érotique, la veine satirique mais sur un ton spirituel et amusé sur lesquels joue Montesquieu, plaisent. (tiré de Wikipedia)     [chương_files]  

History Of Lady Barton cover

History Of Lady Barton

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This is the story of the three Cleveland siblings: Fanny, the innocent yet very sympathetic sister; Louisa, the strong willed sister whose miserable marriage to Sir William is the center of the novel; and Sir George who tries to get over the loss of his lover by touring the world. Louisa is not an amoral woman, she is beautiful and very lively, values which 18th century society promotes, yet she suffers only affliction from her “respectable” college educated husband. In the main plot, and all the sub plots (of which there are many), the book tests many prominent values of the time and brings to light their negative implications. It raises questions such as: is marriage always right for women? If a woman is miserable in her marriage, when is enough? Is a great tour to find yourself always a good idea, or should you consider its implications on those around you? Does formal education matter or should inter personal communication skills be more important? Or, perhaps most importantly, is your family always there to protect you? This book is timeless in it’s discourses on right and wrong, friendship, and of course love. It has everything for everyone, even the favorite gothic story for those who look for it. It is a must read for every 18th century lover. A book that will make you think and think again. ( Stav Nisser.)     [chương_files]  

Lost Diaries cover

Lost Diaries

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Within these pages find passages from the “lost diaries” of a wide range of people: royal, regular, famous, infamous, historical, and fictional. – Summary by A. Gramour     [chương_files]  

Clarissa Harlowe, or the History of a Young Lady - Volume 9 cover

Clarissa Harlowe, or the History of a Young Lady – Volume 9

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In Volume 9 Clarissa hastens to her fate and the various culprits reap the consequences of their crimes of indifference, cruelty and neglect. One of the earliest and certainly the longest novel in the English language, with a wide-ranging influence not only on the English novel, but also on nineteenth century European literature at large, it is gripping, twisted and a magnificent dramatic soap opera. – Summary by Nicole Lee     [chương_files]  

Clarissa Harlowe, or the History of a Young Lady - Volume 8 cover

Clarissa Harlowe, or the History of a Young Lady – Volume 8

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In Volume 8 Clarissa continues to decline towards her pitiful end, while Lovelace remains defiant, even as his nemesis Colonel Morden finally arrives his town. One of the earliest and certainly the longest novel in the English language, with a wide-ranging influence not only on the English novel, but also on nineteenth century European literature at large, it is gripping, twisted and a magnificent dramatic soap opera. – Summary by Nicole Lee     [chương_files]