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Salem Witchcraft, the Planchette Mystery, and Modern Spiritualism Audiobook

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The object in reprinting this most interesting review is simply to show the progress made in moral, intellectual, and physical science. The reader will go back with us to a time—not very remote—when nothing was known of Phrenology and Psychology; when men and women were persecuted, and even put to death, through the baldest ignorance and the most pitiable superstition. If we were to go back still farther, to the Holy Wars, we should find cities and nations drenched in human blood through religious bigotry and intolerance. Let us thank God that our lot is cast in a more fortunate age, when the light of revelation, rightly interpreted by the aid of Science, points to the Source of all knowledge, all truth, all light.
When we know more of Anatomy, Physiology, Physiognomy, and the Natural Sciences generally, there will be a spirit of broader liberality, religious tolerance, and individual freedom. Then all men will hold themselves accountable to God, rather than to popes, priests, or parsons. Our progenitors lived in a time that tried men’s souls, as the following lucid review most painfully shows. (Summary by Samuel Robert Wells)




Đang nghe:
Title, Introduction
Salem Witchcraft: The Place - Trouble in the Church
Salem Witchcraft: Rev. Mr. Burroughs - Depositions of Parris and his Tools
Salem Witchcraft: Goody Nurse’s Excommunication - The Views of Modern Investigators
Salem Witchcraft: Importance of the Subject
CONTENTS OF THE PLANCHETTE MYSTERY. What Planchette Is and Does - Third—The Devil Theory.
CONTENTS OF THE PLANCHETTE MYSTERY. Theory of a Floating, Ambient Mentality. - Theory of the Agency of Departed Spirits.
CONTENTS OF THE PLANCHETTE MYSTERY. Planchette's Own Theory. - How to Work Planchette.
Dr. Doddridge's Dream