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Winnowed Wisdom Audiobook

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This 1926 volume comprises thirty-five essays by the masterful Canadian humorist. – Summary by david wales




Đang nghe:
Preface: An Appeal To The Average Man
Book 1, The Outlines Of Everything: A Preface To The Outlines; Volume One - The Outline Of Shakespeare; Volume Two - The Outline Of Evolution; Volume Three - The Business Outline Of Astronomy; Volume Four - Outline Of Recent Advances In Science
Book 2, Brotherly Love Among The Nations: The Next War; International Amenities - Can We Wonder That It's Hard To Keep Friends; The Mother Of Parliaments - But What Has Lately Gone Wrong With Mother?; An Advance Cable Service - International News A Month Ahead; Back From Europe - Does Travel Derange The Mind?
Book 3, Studies In The Newer Culture The New Attaboy Language - A Little Study In Culture From Below Up; The Cross-Word Puzzle Craze; Information While You Eat - Some Reflections On The Joys Of The Luncheon Clubs; The Children's Column As Brought Up-To-Date; Old Proverbs Made New
Book 4, In The Good Old Summer Time The Merry Month Of May As Treated In The Bygone Almanac; How We Kept Mother's Day - As Related By A Member Of The Family; Summer Sorrows Of The Super-Rich Or Does This Happen Only In America?; How My Wife And I Built Our Home For L1 2s, 6d. - Related After The Manner Of The Best Models In The Magazines;
Book 4, In The Good Old Summertime The Everlasting Angler; Have We Got The Year Backwards: Or Is Not Autumn Spring?; Our Summer Convention As Described By One Of Its Members
Book 5, Travel And Movement: All Aboard For Europe - Some Humble Advice For Travellers; The Gasolene Good-bye - And What Would Have Happened To The Big Moments Of History If The Motor Had Taken A Hand In Them; Complete Guide And History Of The South - Based On The Best Models Of 'Travellers' Impressions'; The Give-And-Take Of Travel - A Study In Petty Larceny
Book 6, Great National Problems The Laundry Problem - A Yearning For The Vanished Washerwoman; The Questionnaire Nuisance - A Plan To Curb Zealous Investigators In Their Thirst For Knowledge; This Expiring World; Are We Fascinated With Crime?
Book 7, Round Our City At The Ladies' Culture Club - A Lecture On The Fourth Dimension; Our Business Barometer - For Use In The Stock Exchanges And Stock Yards; My Pink Suit - A Study In The New Fashions For Men; Why I Left Our Social Workers' Guild
Book 8, The Christmas Ghost - Unemployment In One Of Our Oldest Industries